A major global advisory firm wanted to revitalise their capability framework, to ensure that it remained dynamic, and so we were asked to work with the organisation to implement a redesigned system. One of the key issues was the inclusion of all of the country practices, as each was structured as an independent partnership, hence the absolute necessity to gain consensus. Using a team of 5 Vermilion Road consultants, we conducted extensive job analysis interviews with key stakeholders, using best practice techniques such as Critical Incident and Repertory Grid. This ensured that we included representative views from around the world, through the use of teleconferencing and webinars. We also ensured that we obtained relevant information from all levels of the firm, in all disciplines and in all parts of the world where they operated. This required some meticulous planning! The resulting information was then analysed, grouped appropriately, refined and test piloted through regional focus groups.
This ensured that there was internal buy in allowing the new framework to be implemented smoothly as the basis for development, appraisal and selection.